Urlhaus Filters Mirror

This mirror hosts lists built from data available from Urlhaus.

The Main Repo & This Mirror's Repo are hosted using GitLab. This mirror and the lists within are built & cached using Cloudflare Workers. Each list is fetched (retrieved using a GET request) hourly using a Cron Job, thus avoiding stale filters. Our CDN ultimately serves each filter to people around the world.

The variations available are:

Each of the above formats is available in an online-only or combination online/offline list. The recommended format is the larger, online/offline format whenever possible.

All subscription links are compatible with AdGuard. For uBlock Origin, paste URLs opened using the main filter links into uBO's UI instead of using the subscribe buttons.

This mirror serves only those lists compatible with browser addons such as uBlock Origin & AdGuard. See GitLab.com/iosprivacy/urlhaus-filter-mirror for Bind, dnsmasq, Snort, Suricata, & other formats.